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A Goal Without a Plan is Merely a Wish

Writer's picture: HT FitnessHT Fitness

Now that you have identified what you want for your health (see Blog Article “Why Do You Want to Live a Healthy Lifestyle?”), you need a PLAN to stick to your goal.

This Goal-Planning TOOL helps you identify steps you can take toward your health goals and consider ways and people who can help you get there. It will help you create strategies to help you progress and identify signs that show you’re making progress. If something isn’t working, don’t give up; use it as an opportunity to try something different.

Note: This isn’t a detailed workout plan or nutrition plan. That will come later. This is a PLAN to help you stick to your goals.

TOOL: Goal-Planning Activity

Give this a try for your fitness goals! I wrote in examples to give you an idea of how it works.

1. The Changes I Want to Make Are (Be Specific):

Example: Lose 15lbs and be a size(?)

2. How Important Are These Changes? (Scale of 1-10)


3. How Confident am I that I Can Make These Changes? (Scale of 1-10)


4. The Most Important Reasons I Want to Make These Changes Are:

Example: My health is failing; I want to feel better; I want to look better

5. The Steps I Plan to Take in Changing Are (Be Specific):

Example: Workout Monday, Wednesday, Friday after or before work; Eat 5 small meal per day; Drink water; Go to bed by 10pm; etc.

6. How Other People Can Help Me Reach My Goals:

Example: Hire a HT Fitness Trainer; Join a HT Fitness Class; Join HT Fit Camp; Use the Weekly Workout

7. I Will Know My Plan is Working When:

Example: I feel energized, confident; My clothes fit better; I can run 3 miles without stopping

8. Some Things That Could Interfere with My Plan Are:

Example: Stayed late at Work; Didn’t Plan or Pack my Meals; My kids got sick; I went on vacation; Stayed out too late; Too tired to workout; Junk Food in the House; etc.

This Goal-Planning Activity is great to use for multiple fitness and nutrition goals. When you write down what could sabotage your goals you can get ahead of it so it doesn’t set you back.

Stay tuned for my Setting Realistic Goals Tool that will help you set a few short-term goals to get started and Long-Term goals to reach.


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